Are we prepared for the future ?

While talking to various people concerning water business, about the Govt's decision to withdraw the "mandatory" tag for Packaged drinking Water, I am experiencing strange responses. Some are still not prepared to talk on the effects, waiting for final rules fssai will post. Some of them seem to be in denial mode like "there's no sufficient manpower with fssai". Some are shocked & complaining like they are victimised. No one seemed much happy & welcoming this decision.

I think, we as business owners are not taking future seriously enough. We should know, the economy is opening out, and with that, the license raaj is to go-out. This decision is a symbolic exexution of that. Reduced entry barriers. 

On the same lines, we should know that the PET is in danger. 90% of it is recycled, doesn't mean it's not dangerous. There is no alternative to PET for bottled water can't be the comfort zone. Suddenly there can be a law not to produce PET bottles anymore. Don't sail smooth & buy bigger Blowing Machines. Rather, try to find alternatives. If you are aware of the 17 SDG's , you will need to care about what I want to say.

The circumstances always give us indications, well in advance. As a business owner, do I look into it ?

Multinationals do.

Recently, I visited a Cafe at a Shell Petrol Pump. The cafe was good, however, not much crowded. It raised my curiosity to ask the manager as to what is the purpose of running this cafe inside the main city part ( not highway ).

Company is looking at next 20 years, he said. There won't be fuel like Diesel, Petrol in future. There will be charging stations, and they need time to get the vehicle charged. To spend the time during that, the cafes are purposed.

Thing to learn : Shell is learning & implementing decisions by listening to future. Can't I ?

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