Branding helps cross-segmentation

Once you establish your brand, you can take it to anywhere. And if you have a B2C brand, that too, an FMCG product, you have better chances. In addition, if you have an established distributors network, it works like magic. You just need vision.

Kinnera : An example of this

Telangana State Cooperative Oil Seeds Growers Federation Limited (TS- Oilfed) , are already popular in Telangana State where the market their Oil with Vijaya Brand. Having surplus groundwater water, and an established distribution network, they decided to go for a Packaged Drinking Water Plant , way back in 2019. However, now, they are fully ready with the plant & the products will be seen in the market shortly. Original News Here.

Takeaway :-

Once a brand is established , one can even go cross segments, if the ultimate market remains same.

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