Women Empowerment & Water ATM ....

In an article** I saw a lady writes about how Water ATM is coming out to be a Women Empowermentvehicle. I really do not know how much realy study made behind this; but frankly speaking, the Govtfunded Water ATMs have not been success so far. The reason is "Funding".

Profit should be the driver, not "Fund"

Business is run by profit. Profit is earned by providing "Value" to consumers. This happens through a proper business plan & structure spread over for years. Hence the one who starts the venture should be aware that the "Fund" is for making more revenue than expenses, and still providing pure "value".

Govt Funding Model ... absence of this approach

When govt claims to be empowering people through entreprise, is there a proper mentoring available ? Is it properly supervised ? Or just model placeholders just for the sake of it ?

Let's talk business, guys !

Let it be a very small venture, ultra-small. But well thought. Marketing & Innovation driven. Let Her try to make a sale prior to any funding. No hurry for funds.

Post your thoughts......

** https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/voices/empowering-women-one-water-atm-at-a-time/

Marathon : Good Opportunity for Water Bottlers

As a Water Business Owner, one must constantly look at newer & newer opportunities through which they can reach people. One of those is Branding and the other is push marketing. Today I came across an article where a Marathon is organized "Neerathon". That too, it's a Water Business Specific Marathon. 

An excellent opportunity to be a sponsor. 

What Next ?

Branding is fine, however, keeping the brand promise calls for a great execution strategy in place. Very first the communication channel, and then delivery of the promise. Branding definitely elevates your image. But it's an expense. Huge expense. You need to have a supporting Marketing Plan for this. If you do not have this, you will surely fail. A bitter truth. Hence... Build Reserves with strong execution. Start Small. Branding initially can be done with small stakes.

Where do You Start ?

A Business Model Canvas can be the best thing to begin with. Write to us through the comment section if you are keen to develop one.

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