Is ZLD practicable for a Mineral Water Factory ?

 ZLD for a Mineral water Plant

Since everything is available at your fingertip through internet; it doesn't assure you that all the information is the right information. Similar things happen when people come to us with queries from time to time. It's important to understand the logic & usability in context of a Business Unit. That is : how relevant is the factor in context of the profitability. ZLD is one of the queries we receive from time to time.

( You may refer to this Video to know exactly what can be done with the mineral water plant wastage water, though pretty small in quantity)

What is ZLD ?

ZLD is Zero liquid Discharge. A system which doesn't reject any water from the RO system. Practically you may get systems with almost 95% recovery. Is it possible ? Yes, there are systems available. However, here are my key point suggestions to all those Business Owners who wish to do something in this space :-

Do Not Bother if your reject water TDS is below 2000 PPM 

You can use the water in sanitary pipelines or gardening within your own premise. Why I said "Don't Bother" is for a simple reason that the cost is not worth it.

When is it really worth ?

It is advisable for very huge quantities of water like 100000 Ltrs per hour & TDS more than 30000 etc. These applications are for industrial usage or Marine applications.

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