Glass Bottles for Bottling : Is that a viable Idea ?

Existing Method of Bottling

At present, PET Bottles are used for bottling water & other beverages. However, after observing the serious impacts of Plastic, the PET bottle industry & the overall water industry which grew out of the convenience of using plastic has come under threat of existence. Particularly due to P.M.'s declaration of "Phasing the single use plastics upto 2022".

Is glass the option ?

Glass looks like the option. However, it poses many challenges. Mainly the production (Quantities), the tremendous amount of energy needed to produce glass, the transportation, the breakage, handling, crushing, and finally... the cost.

The habits are difficult to be reversed

It is easy to say "Recirculate the old used bottles", however, we are so much used to the "throw" life-style (thanks to the westerners) that using something which is already used, is considered unhygienic for no reason. At one point we say-"Re-cycle" and refuse to rinse & use the already used thing. The glass industry is also (for what) against using seconds bottles. 

Is the Water in the Used Bottles good ?

If the bottles are washed, rinsed properly, then why not ? (counter-question). At homes, we do use these bottles, in the medicine & beverage industry it was a regular method, even the cold-drink bottles are still following the same route, then why not ? It is perfectly safe, hence perfectly good.

In time to come, don't get shocked to see Water Shoppees with a Water Vending Machine (ATM) & branded bottles (Glass) with used ones too !

Other opinions :- Read Quora Q & A for this subject 

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