Water Plant on Your Piece of Land ...

So You have land & wish to setup a water plant

Well, looks like an obvious idea. There are many who have land & Groundwater available and think of putting up a Water Plant. Can they setup ?

To restrict my answer to just THIS question ...

Yes, they can. However, it's not straight away, go & do it. There are certain permissions you will require as it is a commercial activity. Which are those ?
  1. Gram Panchayat NOC if you are not in Municipal area
  2. Industrial NA or suitable permission in city limits
  3. Should not be very near to any Water Source like River, Lake etc. Should be 1 Km away.
For other Land & Building related answers, Please read this post 

You can find correct information at the DIC, districts Industries Centre, or can even approach some NGOs like the De-Asra Foundation, who help in startups.


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