Water ATM : Is it a sustainable "Business" Model ?

In a true sense, Water ATM is the best, very less discussed solution to all the growing concerns on Pure Drinking Water. Why am I saying so ?

  1. It doesn't require a container ( In a Bottle of Packaged Drinking Water, water is the minimum cost ), most of it is the packaging : Bottle.
  2. It omits plastic 100% , so it goes well with the 17 SDG ( Sustainable Developement Goals) Deviced by the UN. 
  3. It provides local water at places without drilling the land
  4. It will provide employment at local level 
  5. It's the cheapest Water available
The threat to this model is the intervention of the govt itself. It should be taken out of the "Welfare" agenda. In this, these Water ATMs are not maintained & the whole thing goes to junk. 

We have created certain Videos through our Youtube Channel to explain the Business Model in depth, there is a complete playlist :-

==> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUVSB_771ek1HhQF3P2CX-hRP4MZH0gxr

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