What does the cost of bottled water include other than the Itself?

 The Cost of Bottled Water

If you observe the Packaged Drinking Water Bottle, you will observe the following visible cost components :-
  1. The Water
  2. The Bottle 
  3. The Cap 
  4. The Label
  5. The ink which prints the Batch & Price Information
Besides these, there are other components, which are indirectly responsible for the produce of the Bottled Water & even reaching to the citizens like :-
  • The Machinery & Equipment Cost, its investment cost (for the banker)
  • The legal cost of the whole business as it is strictly regulated by Law.
  • The Profit of the Business Owner while producing the water
  • The Profit of the distribution Channel which makes you get the water at your doorstep
These all can be called as the Cost Components. A very close look at these factors can serve a great deal for any future plant setup. We do cover this in details inside our training sessions.

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