TDS Meter

What's a TDS Meter ?

What is TDS ?

TDS is Total Dissolved Solids in water. They are not in visible form. However, the BIS has specified how much should be the count, which is in PPM (particals per million). 

Why is it important to measure that ?

The impurity in your water besides your turbidity, smell, colour etc can be measured by this. If it is beyond certain limit, can be dangerous to health. On the other hand, if it is adjusted properly, it can better the taste as well.

It's easy to measure this

Just immerse the TDS meter in Water & read the figure. The HM digital is a good bargain for TDS meters. When I bought it costed something like 600/- , please check current price. Don't buy cheaper ones.

What's a good range ?

BIS says upto 500 is okay, however, between 30 & 80, water tastes good. 

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